22 Jan

Article from Ontario Farmer –

Story trios are a recommended way to talk out differences

Thanks to OntarioFarmer.com for the brilliant write-up on one of the communication-based workshop approaches – Appreciative Inquiry – at R2R24 in October. 

Read full article – https://www.ontariofarmer.com/news/farm-news/story-trios-are-a-recommended-way-to-talk-out-differences

The CCRC has been hosting the Rural Talks to Rural conferences since 2016 to contribute to a strong rural voice through collaboration, dialogue, and building collective wisdom.

Appreciative Inquiry is based on the premise that all of us are stronger and smarter together and the solutions are already in our rural communities. It fosters and stimulates growth and celebrates the positive in the community. Delegates were asked to share when they were part of a conversation that crossed the divides in our rural communities that went well and what conditions made it possible.

Much came out of this workshop including these insights:

⭐Acknowledge change

⭐Embrace discomfort and have the courage to deal with it

⭐Practice patient communication and listening

⭐Have a willingness to understand differences

⭐Educate and inform

30 Oct

Press Release including remarks from Minister of Rural Affairs, Lisa Thompson

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Rural Talks to Rural 2024 (R2R24) – October 16-18, 2024


press release


With gratitude and grace, the producers of the biennial Rural Talks to Rural (R2R) gathering wish to thank all who put shoulder to the wheel and who collectively brought the best of themselves to Blyth, Ontario, Canada to explore our differences together.

“You plan and plan,” R2R co-producers Casandra Bryant and Pete Smith said, “and you still don’t know how things will unfold. But as soon as we began an environment quickly developed that was at once rigorous, an exploration, a place to learn and share – with a whole lot of rural folks talking to rural folks about what matters most in their community.”

The conference opened with Austin Silversmith of Six Nations offering the Thanksgiving Address in Cayuga and English.

Our government values the diverse voices and perspectives that have made the Rural Talks to Rural Conference so impactful. Rural Ontario is a beautiful patchwork of unique communities and by working together we can turn any challenge into an opportunity,” says Lisa Thompson, Minister of Rural Affairs. “The documentary film, ‘Exploring Our Differences Together’, will be a great vehicle to showcase how diverse approaches can illuminate opportunities in our small communities throughout rural Ontario. I look forward to seeing this documentary generate positive outcomes across the province.” Warden Glenn McNeil then gave a warm and enthusiastic welcome on behalf of Huron County.

R2R connects art, science, agriculture, and local and Indigenous Knowledge and brings together folks from the local community, inviting those from across Canada and from overseas. This year we explored the conversations we should be having in our rural communities. Whether it’s in a keynote address, at a workshop, on a nature walk, over a meal, or in the art gallery, stories get told, and questions are asked about our directions of travel as we figure out the next steps. This was also informed by on-the-ground economic development planning, provincial programming, leading rural research, and local community work.

“So many exciting things happened over the three days of R2R24,” Casandra Bryant said. “The level of energy when coupled with the desire to learn, to do better, could be felt in the air. From Sheila Robson singing from the Bridge over Blyth Creek in full voice, to the telling of stories in the Art of Hosting workshop, we are energized to work together with our shared destiny of community.”

Media Contact: Peter Smith, peter@ruralcreativity.org, 226-501-4094

09 Oct

Thank you to our Sponsors!

Lead Partner – Libro Credit Union
Main Sponsor – Ontario Government
General Sponsor – Huron County
General Sponsor – Community Futures Huron
General Sponsor – Central Huron
Youth Initiatives Sponsor – University of Guelph
Day 3 Lunch Sponsor – Cowbell Brewing Co.
In-Kind Sponsor – The Rural Voice & The Citizen
In-Kind Sponsor – Blyth Printing
Donor – Huron Commodities
Registration Sponsor for Two Delegates – W. Bill Dow

With a big heart, we share our thanks and gratitude to the organizations, companies, institutions, and individuals that sponsor the biennial Rural Talks to Rural (R2R) conference series. 

Creativity, curiosity, and working to leave the campsite in better shape for the next crowd, lie at the heart of R2R. The conference continues to be at the intersection of art, science, and local knowledge. It brings people together to explore contemporary rural issues in an environment of respect and hope. 

Thank you for your support in helping to create a place and space to ‘talk rural’ every two years in the heart of Huron County. 

We welcome you to read more about every one of our partners, sponsors and donors >>

02 Oct

Showcasing our P2P Presenters!

The CCRC is committed to contributing to a strong Canadian rural voice through collaboration, dialogue, and building collective wisdom. This year at the Rural Talks to Rural conference we provide a space and place to explore our differences together and highlight various formats on how we can listen, learn, and collaborate.

We are excited about our Pathways to Practice session showcasing projects, research, policy, and other initiatives in our rural communities, organizations, and learning centres.

Learn more about the 12 stations here.

24 Sep

Conversations that matter

How may we grow our capacity and courage to invite, host, and harvest the conversations that matter in our rural communities?

Daily, we face a lot of noise and change such as accelerating technological innovations, climate crises, shifting economies, polarizing forces, and an overwhelming amount of information.

Join us for these important conversations and learn how to invite, hold, and lead others through such conversations – whether at the workplace, community, or home. 

R2R24 is jam-packed with examples, models, and tools to showcase how we can step into these conversations – from keynote speakers exploring people, place, policy, and artificial intelligence, to incredible participatory leadership workshops, and signature sessions such as The Assembly Live: Rural Canada and Pathways to Practice. 

Art, nature, wellness and creativity are interwoven throughout the conference with story circles, an art gallery, yoga, and G2G nature walk. We also celebrate rural with food and beverages from local restaurants, bakeries, wineries, and breweries. 

Your leading questions, opportunities or challenges about rural development will be explored in very meaningful and impactful ways. 

We invite all those passionate about rural to attend. Book your tickets today.

Register today!

Learn more about R2R24

16 Sep

Accommodation Conference Rate Deadline for Benmiller Inn & Spa is Sept 23 – book today!

The deadline to book a room with the conference rate at the Benmiller Inn & Spa is Monday, Sept 23rd.

The Benmiller Inn & Spa is located just outside of Goderich and a 15-minute drive to the Blyth Memorial Community Hall. It offers a limited number of rooms with discounts between 15 – 25%.

Reserve today! Please mention Rural Talks to Rural Conference when booking to receive the applicable discounts.
Benmiller Inn & Spa: (519) 524-2191

More accommodation options are available – click here.