Pathways to Practice (P2P) takes place on Day 3, Friday, October 18th, and runs from 9:30 – 11:30 am.

P2P presenters can present their work, engage in dialogue, and connect with delegates. The 12 stations will be spread around the community hall. Delegates will move from table to table during these 2 hours.

There is flexibility built into this session. Options can include presentations, posters, material, etc. In the past, presenters would operate in two to three cycles – speaking for 20 minutes, with dialogue for 10-20 minutes, and then beginning again. However, if rich dialogue is taking place, we encourage you to continue with that dialogue!

STEP ONE – Visit the DRAFT webpage that shares the place-card title, description, and people involved. This page is not public. You can use this information to help verify, edit and/or add to the presentation information.  

STEP TWO – Please complete the following Google form to edit and/or add information. It will ask you to provide the title of the presentation, a description, and the presenters from your organization. If you are collaborating with another organization, they will complete the form for their organization and/or presenters.

STEP THREE – Send a short bio (150 words) and pic of each presenter separately via email to casandrabryant@hotmail.com and peter@ruralcreativity.org.

STEP FOUR – Do you plan to attend the full conference or can you only attend the P2P session?

We offer special P2P Presenter pricing if you wish to attend the conference – click here for registration options.

If you can only attend the P2P session on Day 3, we invite you to breakfast and lunch! Please complete this form if you can only attend the P2P session.

We encourage you to submit your registration type soon! It will help us finalize the details of the P2P session.

STEP FIVE – Are you set for accommodations? Please see the information on accommodations here. If you are a student, we have limited reserved accommodations set aside for students. Accommodations will book quickly so please reach out soon.

Presenters will be provided with the following:

  • Table (approx. 6′ x 2 1/2′)
  • Chairs
  • Access to wifi

Note: due to the space and number of presentations, we are unable to provide projectors or screens. We encourage you to bring a laptop(s) to showcase any material online.

Recommendations on what to bring:

  • Banner, signage and/or poster board
  • Relevant material connected to the project (brochures, reports, general items, etc.)
  • Any material you wish to offer delegates
  • Business cards or other contact information material
  • Laptop should you wish to share a video or material online
  • Optional: some presenters plan to bring a tablecloth for their table. We will supply tablecloths for those who cannot bring one to the conference

Stations/tables will be placed in the following areas (to be confirmed):

Main stage – 1 station
Stage right – 1 station
Stage left – 2 stations
Green room – 1 station 
Art gallery – 2 station
Lower hall – 4 stations
Bottom of stairwell/Link (on main floor) – 1 station

Next steps:
Once the tables/presentations are finalized, we will work together to determine space and any other setup requirements.

Reach out to Pete Smith for any questions, registrations, etc.!
peter@ruralcreativity.org | 226-501-4094